that's not what i heardOkay, I’m just going to jump right in and say it…That’s Not What I Heard by Stephanie Kate Strohm sounds utterly ridiculous (why, Stephanie, why would you fail me in this way? Stephanies should not write awful books!). And maybe it’s me, but I just could not give less of a damn about this ridiculous rumor spreading that appears to be the central focus of this novel. Oh…dear me, this popular couple broke up so now we have to go around and gossip about it to everyone. And of course the best friend of the girlfriend tells her boyfriend who is the best friend of the boyfriend that he needs to take the side of the girlfriend and…are you confused yet?

Honestly, why was this book written? It just sounds so stupidly vapid to me and I definitely feel like it’s a waste of time. The book centers around this rumor about a popular couple who just broke up–maybe?–and how everyone is talking about it amongst themselves and everyone has a different story to tell and heard a different story. I don’t even know what the purpose of this novel is other than the fact that the rumor mill is a horrible and ridiculous thing.

I don’t know. This book definitely isn’t on my TBR. I think it sounds incredibly idiotic and I want nothing to do with this rumor spreading nonsense in a novel that I’m reading to enjoy myself. And maybe I’m wrong about this book, so if I am and you think it was incredible, please let me know what an idiot I’m being and that I do, in fact, need to pick it up. But for now, I’m so far down the path of not interested that I couldn’t get away fast enough. What do you think? Is this a book you’ll put on your TBR? Do you agree with me instead? Let me know in the comments!

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