The Lunar Chronicles New Cover Box Set!

If you know anything about me, I'm sure you know how much I absolutely adore Marissa Meyer's The Lunar Chronicles Series. I'll be honest, I never expected that the box set with the new covers would go so fast. In all fairness, if I could justify it I already would have. Also, don't let the…

Guide to ARCs; How to Increase Your NetGalley Ratio Quickly

When you're reviewing books on NetGalley, one of the things that matters most is your Feedback Ratio. This is where we get into things like the 80% badge, auto-approvals, and top reviewers. To date, 72 of my NetGalley reviews have been featured and been auto-approved by 12 publishers.  These pieces all play an important role…

Cassandra Clare, Book Pirating, and Bullying

So, BookTwitter is talking about pirating books again (a conversation I'm sure we will continue to have for many years to come). But, instead of it being a conversation solely focused on the discussion of ebook theft, it's also about Cassandra Clare. Book Theft As far as the first part goes, there's a lot to…

All Our Worst Ideas [Vicky Skinner]; Happy Book Birthday!

Happy book birthday to All Our Worst Ideas by Vicky Skinner! Buy it? Barnes & Noble Amazon Book Depository Books-a-Million Two teens who have nothing in common work together at a record store in All Our Worst Ideas, a powerful and voice-driven YA novel from Vicky Skinner. When Amy, on her way to becoming valedictorian of…

The Challenger [Taran Matharu]; Happy Book Birthday!

Happy book birthday to The Challenger by Taran Matharu! I am happy to announce that this book is now available, though less happy to admit that I still have to read the first book in the series. Don't worry, though, it's on my list! Buy it? Barnes & Noble Amazon Book Depository Books-a-Million The stakes are…