Favorite January Reads from Fellow Book Bloggers!

  One of my favorite things to do on this blog is to feature other book bloggers and bring attention to some of the amazing things they've written themselves. And I know we all typically do our own monthly wrap ups (I completely fell apart on mine last year, I'll be honest) where we talk…

A Whole New World [Liz Braswell]; Throwback Thursday

I recently got my hands on a copy of Part of Your World by Liz Braswell, an author who has spent quite a bit of time rewriting and working popular Disney film stories into what she calls "twisted tales." I've noticed, after having looked at and read several of the books she's written in this collection,…

The Field Guide to the North American Teenager [Ben Philippe]; 2019 YA Releases

I can't tell how much of The Field Guide to the North American Teenager by Ben Philippe is a commentary on racism, but as a young black French Canadian moves to Austin, Texas, a fair amount of anxiety regarding the mistreatment of people for the color of their skin is understandable. Though I can't exactly recall…