I Interrupt Your Previously Scheduled Book Talk for Game of Thrones [Reaction and Spoilers]

I had a dream, I think about three years ago, in which Arya somehow killed the Night King. I'm sure it was inspired, somewhat, by a theory I had come across and read regarding this very event (though, come on, did you all seriously think she'd infiltrate with a white walker's face? I can't even…

A Side Door, Rebellion, and Time Travel War; Books I Read Last Week

Well, this week was pretty pathetic as far as the number of books I finished goes. Even the reviews written number is paltry--none of the books I recently finished got one, either--but I was busy, I guess. I also had a really down week in terms of mental health, so there you go. And then,…

Superman: Dawnbreaker [Matt De La Pena]; 2019 YA Releases

The difficult thing about potentially adding Superman: Dawnbreaker by Matt De La Pena to my TBR is the fact that I never had any intention of reading the other books in this series. I only ever read the Catwoman novel from this set of DC retelling books and I was sorely disappointed and while I'm not nearly…