Annoyed with Goodreads? Wish you had a shelf you could add dnf books to without having them in your “Read” shelf?

You can have one!

I’ve written about this before, but I’m often reminded that not everyone knows how this particular feature works. I’ve been using it for ages now, though, and I utterly love having a dnf shelf.

There are several features you can use when you edit your shelves, but the one you want to focus on right now is exclusive shelves.

What Makes a Shelf Exclusive?

Exclusive shelves basically function in the exact manner that your read, currently-reading, and to-read shelves do. Each book you shelve can be on only one of your exclusive shelves. To create your exclusive dnf shelf, all you really need to do is add one and check it off as exclusive.

Once you’ve followed these steps, you’re done! You can add any book to your dnf shelf just as you would to the read, currently-reading, or to-read shelves! I hope this helps!

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