Renegades [Marissa Meyer]; Throwback Thursday

I'm revamping Throwback Thursday again! Last time the change was to include the book's synopsis and this time I've decided that it fits my goals a little more to include parts of my review instead, since that's really what TBT for Reader Fox has always been about. This week, in honor of the wonderful Marissa Meyer…

Catwoman: Soulstealer [Sarah J. Maas]; Throwback Thursday

Honestly, my biggest issue with Catwoman: Soulstealer by Sarah J. Maas was the fact that it completely butched the characters of the Gotham universe. Selena Kyle herself was not bad as a character, but she was bad as Selena Kyle. Poison Ivy wasn't bad as a character, she just wasn't good as Poison Ivy. Harley Quinn…

A Court of Thorns and Roses [Sarah J. Maas]; Throwback Thursday

I remember feeling shocked that I really enjoyed this story when I finished it. I had avoided the series for a while after deciding I really didn't like Maas' writing in the first book of her other series. I was pleasantly surprised about how well-done the majority of A Court of Thorns and Roses was. Out of…