What If? [Anna Russell]

What If  by Anna Russell is the second bit of poetry fiction that I've read so far this week and I'm finding that I really enjoy this type of storytelling. Poetry collections are nice and all, but they are infinitely more appealing when they follow an actual story and plot. Young Joshua's grades have slipped…

Ezzie’s Bookshelf [Mooncallers: Stars Wake] Blogger Support Feature

It’s been a busy weekend for me at times and at others, I have to admit, I’ve simply been overly consumed with a particularly fantastic read which I think no one here could really ever fault me for. But, as always the blogger support feature is very important to me and so here for the…

The Currently Reading and a Book Haul [with a little bit of NetGalley advice]

It has been a long time since I did a book haul post. I keep meaning to, especially since I started getting a book box, but somehow it always seems to just slip my mind. Well, there are a lot of books that should be included in this current post but I was simply too lazy…