Cinder Stories, Boxed Emotions, and The Black Mage; Books I Read Last Week

This is the first week I’ve ever managed to write an equal number of reviews for the number of books I’ve read! And that, in and of itself is pretty exciting. I’m rather proud of this, especially since I don’t see it ever happening often. All in all, this past week has been one of…

Activism, Dreams, and Witches; Books I Read Last Week

Well, this week was good for reading but bad for reviewing. I'm definitely thinking that I'll have to set aside some time soon to just write a bunch of reviews because I keep getting farther and farther behind. The books I read this week were pretty awesome, though. For the most part, anyway. I did…

Sensitive Topics and Emotional Stories; Books I Read Last Week

I read a surprisingly high number of books with some rather sensitive topics this past week, something I had no idea of until I actually took the time to put them together for this post. From the loss of a beloved pet to traumatic experiences of sexual assault to dying children to struggles with bullying…